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Mistakes happen

  • Concerned about firing your top sales agent?
  • Mistakenly go overboard with a compliment to your customer?
  • Are you accommodating your employees with disabilities?

It can cost you your business

If you and/or your business are ever sued for one of the mistakes above, and a judgment or settlement is reached, disbursements and attorneys fees could reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Without proper coverage, you could be responsible for these costs.

EPL coverage

Employment practices liability (EPL) insurance covers these costs to protect you and your business finances. EPL coverage protects you against claims of wrongful discrimination including any act or omission relating to discrimination or harassment based on an individual’s race, creed, color, age, gender, national origin, religion, disability, marital status or sexual preference, whether committed directly, indirectly, intentionally or unintentionally. Claims of wrongful employment practice such as wrongful dismissal, sexual harassment, wrongful discipline, and other acts are also covered.

Your solution

When it comes to providing employment practices liability insurance for real estate professionals, Victor brings a lot to the table. Since 1983 we’ve provided insurance coverage for real estate professionals and we’ve designed the program to meet the needs of a diverse industry. Our policyholders even have access to a toll-free employment practices helpline to prevent situations from turning into claims. However, if you do have a claim, take comfort knowing a real estate dedicated claims specialist will be handling it.

Apply for EPL coverage

Download the Employment Practices Liability supplemental application.