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Of course your clients are mindful of the price they pay for goods or services. Their insurance coverage should be no exception. When making insurance decisions based solely on price, consider what they're getting and what they're giving up.

Not all policies are created equal

Are you sure the MGA/carrier is not just providing an introductory premium which is likely to be substantially raised at renewal?

This is often a tactic used by companies new to the forest products insurance market or by companies trying to meet new business premium goals.

Is the insurance program experienced at handling logging related claims?

If the carrier's claims staff and attorneys are not experienced in handling logging related claims, claims costs may be excessive. This can create substantial liability and litigation costs which increase your clients' overall claims expenses and potentially increase your agency's E&O exposure.

Is the insurance carrier stable?

It is important that your clients are insured by a financially stable company so they are available when they need them. Due to recent competitor volatility within select states, stability in the market sends a signal to your clients that you have their best interests in mind when recommending a MGA/carrier partner.

Are you changing insurance carriers year after year solely in search of the cheapest price?

Not all policies offer the same coverage limits, forms, exclusions and deductibles so your clients may not be covered in all of the same areas from policy to policy.

Does the carrier offer multiple coverage options?

We offer policies for all your clients' insurance needs, including general liability, auto and excess liability. No matter what coverage or policies you select, your clients will have one Victor contact that will work with them to determine the best options for their company.

Work with Victor

Victor's underwriting expertise and stability cannot be matched in the marketplace. Our Forest & Logging program has been around for over 35 years, and we have more than 35 years of data enabling us to price coverage appropriately.

With expert knowledge in the logging industry, we intend on writing coverage for the long run. We take pride in quick policy issuance and excellent service throughout the year.

Located throughout the U.S., claims professionals who specialize in the forest & logging industry, and are some of the most experienced in the business, will handle your clients' claims.