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March 22, 2023

As the Design & Construction industry evolves, so does Victor’s A&E professional liability policy.

With A&E firms increasingly using contracted labor to execute projects, they often encounter unwelcome delays through having to ensure that contracted personnel either have their own coverage in place or need to be added as an additional insured on their own policy.

Join Kevin Collins and Jake Terrell to learn how Victor’s cutting-edge policy eradicates this obstacle and provides vital benefits to your clients by:

  • Reducing the administrative time and cost of onboarding contracted personnel for projects
  • Providing maximum flexibility in acquiring the best and most suitable talent
  • Allowing for more effective responses to project proposals that require additional staffing
  • Removing the headache of overburdened deadlines, enabling them to secure additional workers to handle busy periods or complex projects

How Victor’s ever-evolving A&E solution provides firms with flexibility, growth and peace of mind

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